
Seedlings, 2’s-mid 2’s & / Sprouts, older 2’s-young 3

The Greenhouse class hosts two unique programs on alternating days. Children in either Greenhouse class do not need to be potty trained. The Greenhouse Classroom has an attached patio for all of the sensory fun!

Our Seedlings class is offered 2 days a week for young 2’s to mid 2’s. The Seedlings class focuses on the early development of social-emotional and cognitive growth. The play-based, emergent curriculum is practiced with a focus on language, sensory and gross motor skills, and introduction to a class routine. Natural scaffolding throughout the year aids in learning routines and community roles. The primary focus of the Seedlings class is to ensure that children and their caregivers are developing strong peer and community relationships in their first school experience.

Our Sprouts class is offered 3 days a week for older 2’s and younger 3’s. The emphasis will remain on social emotional learning, however this environment begins to develop a more formalized approach to concepts introduced in the Seedlings class. This 3 day program offers a more prominent emergent curriculum where the children lead their learning experiences with their interests. This can be seen through small groups, provocations set up daily for exploration, and community time. The invitation to participate in these small group explorations assists in developing self-regulation, fine motor skills, critical thinking and exploration. A greater emphasis on routines such as bathroom time, clean up, community time, and collaboration can be seen in the Sprouts class .

Sensory Manipulations

Getting messy is the name of the game here. Tactile exploration promotes motor skills, nerve connections in the brain, foundations of inquisitive learning, and so much more! Not to mention, it’s just really fun!



In simple terms, a provocation does just what it sounds like… Provokes! Provocations have no specific intended outcome, rather they are meant to be opened ended activities, engagements or elements of a space that spark discussions, ideas, and questions that can be further built upon.

Communication Development

Modeling language and behavior is one of our greatest driving forces. We want our youngest learners to have the tools they need to succeed in any situation. The primary emphasis in the Greenhouse classes will be the fostering of social-emotional development.


Routines & Roles

Basic routines help children recognize their role in a community. At OCNS we value that everyone is unique and individual; with fluid guidance we support children in being collaborative members of a group. We all play & work together to create a beautiful Co-Op.

The beginning of something bigger.

The Greenhouse is where it all begins. The true emergent foundation for all that is to come at Oneonta Cooperative. In this space children will feel heard and respected- just as they will come to expect and witness in each of the OCNS classes. Children will know they are an important part of community, learn through modeling about being an empathetic friend and communicative partner. The Greenhouse is the launching pad for all of the values that OCNS holds at the forefront of the entire Co-Op. Students, their families, and their teachers grow together in the Greenhouse to thrive throughout all their subsequent years at OCNS. Relationships and play, that’s #TheOCNSway.


Tuesday & Thursday, 8:30-11:30

Ms. Caitlin & Ms. Coralee

12 students

2 working parents


Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8:30-12:30

Ms. Caitlin & Ms. Coralee

15 students

2 working parents


Little Explorers 12-23 months


Sunroom 3-4